Welcome to
the Division of Cell Regulation
From Basic to translational.
Focusing on adult stem cells, our goal is to understand how cellular states are regulated and how to control these mechanisms to enable new therapeutic approaches.
Press Release
造血幹細胞移植後の血液再生過程を可視化し、血球回復を促進する新技術を開発 ――ユニバーサル造血前駆細胞による安全な骨髄移植――
Dr. Yogo’s paper has been published in Cell Reports
New Paper was Published!
Dr. Takahashi’s paper was published in Histol Histopathol.
New Review Published!
Dr. Becker’s review has been published in the current issue of Experimental Hematology.
New paper published!
Dr. Yamazaki’s paper was published in Stem Cell Reports.
Lab Launch Event held
We officially started regular operations here at IMSUT! To kick things off, we held an inaugural barbecue party with all lab members. Check out our pictures page to see how it turned out.
New Review Published!
Dr. Sakurai’s review has been published in the current issue of Cancer Science.
New paper published!
Dr. Kawahigashi’s paper was published in PLOS ONE.
New Paper published!